ECHS Application
Applicants must be current LISD 8th-grade students in good standing to be advanced to the 9th grade.
The ECHS program conducts a weighted lottery open to all 8th-grade applicants, with extra weight placed on students who align with targeted populations according to the ECHS Blueprint as outlined by the Texas Education Agency.
The application for the 2023–2024 school year will be made available December 2023.
Online Registration
Enrolling your child in LISD for the first time? Visit the district's New-Student Registration page, or stop by the school to complete the registration process. Please see all the items listed that are required to complete your child's registration.
What to Bring
Please bring the registration forms and copies of the following documents to the campus
a Copy of the Student's Birth Certificate (Note: Parents can go directly to to order a certified birth certificate for $22, the same price as a walk-in or mail order. This online service, offered in English and Spanish, provides parents with a straightforward, secure option for ordering their child’s birth certificate. The orders are fulfilled by the Texas Department of State Health Services.)
Proof of Residency (lease/contract, current utility bill)
the Student's Social Security Card
Immunization Record or affidavit of conscience exemption | Immunization Requirements
Most Recent Report Card and Standardized Test Results
Withdrawal papers from your child's previous school
a Photo identification of parent/guardian
Legal paperwork (divorce decrees, etc.)
If you have any questions, please contact the campus registrar for assistance.