About ECHS
New to Leander ISD
What is the eligibility, application process, timeline, and selection criteria?
ECHS uses a process that includes the following steps: Application; Blind Weighted Lottery; and Scholar Interview.
Eligibility: Scholars must reside in LISD attendance zone, complete the application, and attend Summer Bridge in June 2025.
Application: The ECHS application will be on the ECHS website (google form or downloadable PDF) in both English and Spanish. Printed copies will be available from middle school counselors. We encourage scholars and parents to fill out the application together so both parties understand the ECHS expectations and considerations. The application includes, however, two 300–500-word essays that must be completed by the scholar without assistance.
Timeline and Selection Criteria:
Incoming 9th grade: Application window is January 3, 2023, through March 3, 2023. The blind weighted lottery will occur on March 6th and scholar interviews will begin on March 7th. Acceptance and enrollment will begin on April 3rd. There is NO specific criteria that a scholar must have to apply. Selection is through a blind weighted lottery. Grades/GPA/Test scores are not considered in the application/selection process.
Incoming 10th grade: Application will be available on Monday, April 3rd. The application will remain open until all available spots are committed. All incoming 10th graders must provide evidence of passing scores for both the reading and writing TSI tests, successful completion of EDUC 1300, and a high school transcript indicating an unweighted GPA of 3.0 or higher.
Summer Bridge: Summer Bridge is required of ALL incoming ECHS scholars and is tentatively scheduled for June 5th - June 8th.
Current Leander ISD Students
What is the eligibility, application process, timeline, and selection criteria?
ECHS uses a process that includes the following steps: Application; Blind Weighted Lottery; and Scholar Interview.
Eligibility: Scholars must reside in LISD attendance zone, complete the application, and attend Summer Bridge in June 2025.
Application: The ECHS application will be on the ECHS website (google form or downloadable PDF) in both English and Spanish. Printed copies will be available from middle school counselors. We encourage scholars and parents to fill out the application together so both parties understand the ECHS expectations and considerations. The application includes, however, two 300–500-word essays that must be completed by the scholar without assistance.
Timeline and Selection Criteria:
Incoming 9th grade: Application window is January 3, 2023, through March 3, 2023. The blind weighted lottery will occur on March 6th and scholar interviews will begin on March 7th. Acceptance and enrollment will begin on April 3rd. There is NO specific criteria that a scholar must have to apply. Selection is through a blind weighted lottery. Grades/GPA/Test scores are not considered in the application/selection process.
Incoming 10th grade: Application will be available on Monday, April 3rd. The application will remain open until all available spots are committed. All incoming 10th graders must provide evidence of passing scores for both the reading and writing TSI tests, successful completion of EDUC 1300, and a high school transcript indicating an unweighted GPA of 3.0 or higher.
Summer Bridge: Summer Bridge is required of ALL incoming ECHS scholars and is tentatively scheduled for June 5th - June 8th.

General Information
What is an Early College High School?
Early College High Schools (ECHS) are open-enrollment high schools that allow students an opportunity to receive both a high school diploma and either an associate degree or at least 60 college credit hours toward a baccalaureate degree. ECHS campuses enroll historically underrepresented students, targeting first generation, at-risk and economically disadvantaged, provide dual credit at no cost to students, offer rigorous instruction and accelerated courses, provide academic and social support services to help students succeed, provide students with highly personalized attention, increase college readiness, and partner with Texas institutions of higher education (IHEs) to reduce barriers to college access.
Where is ECHS located? Where do I take my classes as an ECHS student?
ECHS is located at the Austin Community College San Gabriel campus located at 449 San Gabriel Campus Drive in Leander, adjacent to the Cap Metro light rail station. Most classes are held on the third floor of the campus building.
Can I sub-campus to my zoned campus for specialized programs (Ag, Auto, Culinary, JROTC, etc) as an ECHS student?
No. Students cannot sub-campus either to or from ECHS.
Can I participate in UIL activities (Athletics, Band, Fine/Performing Arts, etc) as an ECHS student?
No. All UIL activities remain available at traditional/comprehensive high schools but not at schools of choice.
What’s the difference between an ECHS and Advanced Placement (AP) and dual credit on a traditional high school campus?
All options provide students the opportunity to earn college credit while in high school. ECHS students will earn a high school diploma and an Associates of Arts in General Studies from Austin Community College.
High School Diploma: ECHS students follow the same requirements as all LISD students with the standard ECHS four-year plan aligning with the highest graduation plan. This plan, the Leander ISD Distinguished with Honors, allows students to qualify for Automatic (Top 10%) Admission to Texas state colleges and universities.
ACC Associates of Arts in General Studies: Students must earn at least 60 college credits in the following categories: Communication, Mathematics, Life and Physical Science, Language, Philosophy & Culture, Creative Arts, American History, Government/Political Sciences, Component Area Option, and electives.
Can I participate in off-campus PE as an ECHS student?
Usually no, particularly in grades 10-12 due to the time required to be successful in taking rigorous college courses.
Is transportation provided?
Yes, ECHS students are eligible for transportation services though the model used may differ than on traditional campus.
Can I visit the campus?
During the Spring semester, group campus tours are available on Wednesday afternoons from 5:00PM-6:00PM. Please, fill out the Google Form to sign up for a tour. You can also contact the ECHS office to reserve a spot. 512-223-2650
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