If your scholar misses school for any reason, or leaves and/or returns during the day, please submit a note to excuse the absence.
Email notes to our Attendance Clerk within 48 hours to
Our district policy requires that any student who does not attend 90 percent of the days a class is offered (excused or unexcused) will be required to make-up attendance hours. Please see the attendance page on the LISD website for additional information.
Scholar Name (legal)
Scholar ID
Scholar Grade
Date of Absence(s)
Reason for Absence
Attach Doctor/Dentist notes, if applicable.
Please see LISD Parent & Student Handbook for complete attendance policy and definitions/descriptions of absence types (excused, unexcused, state-approved non-absences, and medical).
Scholar attendance and awarding of high school credit are linked.
Any scholar who does not attend 90% of the days a class is offered (excused or unexcused) will be required to make-up attendance hours.
If a scholar arrives after the start of school, the scholar must check-in at the attendance office.
Scholars are considered tardy if they arrive to class after the first ten (10) minutes of the class period.
If a scholar is more than ten (10) minutes late to class, the scholar is marked absent.
What to Include in Notes: Scholar Grade; Scholar Legal Name; Scholar ID; Date of Absence(s); and Reason for Absence. Please attach Doctor/Dentist notes, if applicable.
For any additional questions, please contact the campus attendance clerk.
During AVID, scholars learned the differences between high school and middle school attendance.
For additional information, please refer to the LISD Attendance website.